• At the very core of our being is a calling to to be our authentic selves, to grow our individuality. We all should be moved to a place of growth without environmental or systemic limitation. As a BIPOC person, more specifically as an individual who has ancestral history in slavery, and whose parents lived and took part in the civil rights movement, I have always partnered with people from “marginalized” communities. As an American living in Canada I have lived experience through racial injustice and workplace discrimination. It is a part of my fabric, yet it does not define me. From a young age and into my adulthood my rise into feeling freedom in many areas of my life has been a journey, filled with lessons. Freedom may look different if you are a women, if you identify differently than the dominant culture, or if you are a person of color. The journey is yours, but rain falls on all houses. I am someone who may help.

  • Wellness can be an adventure if you are creative and open to defining your specific wellness menu! If we are to be successful in this fast paced and ever changing world, wellness has to be a priority. Fueling your body for your busy day, keeping a solid workout schedule, and feeding your brain the content that will keep you present and positive, are all a part of a successful wellness menu. Just as well, we need to avoid self destructive and self defeating patterns. Many of us are unaware that we even have them. But we can do something about it.

  • The villain and the hero actually start off the same in their early years. The difference between the villain and hero is that when they had a critical event in their lives, one said “the world hurt me, I am suffering it’s their fault” and the hero says, “this event happened to me, what are the best options moving forward.” My point is that we cannot go through life without some pain and suffering. You and I both do make a choice on how we respond to the hurt, and life’s uncontrollable events. We choose! I support and guide you through those events that happen and build up the hero you aspire to grow into.


B.A., Public Relations, SUNY Oswego
M.S., Counselling Psychology, SUNY Oswego

PDP. Teaching Certification, Simon Fraser University

Registered Clinical Counsellor(License: #9437)
British Columbia Association of Clinical Counsellors


  • You may be feeling overwhelmed with life, school, or work. There are solutions.

  • We all have responses to bad work days, tough relationship problems, bullying, and difficult life decision-making. We can create a plan for you to cope in a healthy way.

  • Situational depression may be a death of a friend, the global pandemic, a divorce, having a baby, work or school issues, or the loss of a job.

  • Experienced a deeply distressing event? Or maybe some compounding issue over time that has led you to feeling anger or shame, or fear? Please request an appointment.

  • Are you experiencing relationship issues with a spouse, a friend, or a family member? There are options for change.

  • Have you lost a loved one, a pet, or someone/something that is very important to you?